Saturday, April 7, 2012


This is the workspace for the 3 DOF configuration

Workspace for our 5 DOF robot: Left (ideal case) Right (case limiting the rotation of joint 1)

Here's the diagram of the workspace and also equations for calculating it's dimensions.  We need to decide lengths to calculate the real workspace.  Also I would like to know your thoughts on L4 and D5 which is longer?

Also note that our robot does not have a dexterous workspace.


  1. I think L4 would be longer than d5. d5 would be able to extend a good amount but it would seem to make sense if we kept the wrist a good distance from the gripper/needle.

  2. Chris,
    looks good. I am just about finished with a mathematica file (RFARobot_WorkSpace.nb) that will make it easy to find the workspace graphically (and maybe the dexterous workspace as well ... ie the space that the needle can reach at any(?) angle). I will have it posted in Dropbox shortly.

  3. FYI, If anyone is on campus, I will be in the comp lab till late working on the project.
