Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Information for the robot presentation on Tuesday, April 24th

1) Introduction to our task (Needle surgery for liver cancer using Radio Frequency Ablation)
[HOI INTRODUCES THE PRESENTATION AND TEAM. Once we introduce ourselves individually and Chris is the last one to introduce himself, CHRIS STARTS PRESENTING HERE]
 - Overview of the task and main things to consider (Slide of key tasks and provided figure in the assignment)
 - Minimum # of DOF's needed to complete the task (Slide: Minimal 3 DOF (RRP) robot)

2) Robot proposal and design.  
 - Robots considered (PUMA vs SCARA) (Slide: PUMA and SCARA robot)
 - Why we went with our 5 DOF robot (Slide to show robot kinematics and DH parameters)
 - Chosen joints and what they are meant to do
 - Workspace of 5 DOF robot (Slide: heart-shaped workspace)

3) Specification of the robot and Motor sizing criteria
 - First: chose aluminum alloy material (Slide: Al alloy properties and link lengths)
 - Second: Determined link lengths relative to size of the task
 - Third: Determined motors & gearheads with beam deflection analysis
(Slide: Show beam deflection figure, equation, Second moment of area equation)

[CHRIS STARTS PRESENTING HERE and finishes the presentation]
 - Last: Sensors to consider (Slide: Lengths, Outer Radius, and thickness of links) 

4) Conclusion
 - Overview of our robot and the task
 - Show how the robot joints can be manipulated with Mathematica
[Belaye will show & control it in mathematica]

Note: write our name at the bottom left corner or right corner of the slides as a reference for the class as to who is presenting?

Comment away about anything we would like to add or take away from this list. If this is more or less what we want to talk about, we'll figure out who gets to talk about what in the later part of the coming weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Side note, This robot is about 35 newtons, or 7.86 lbs.
