Saturday, April 14, 2012

Work Space Dimensions

Here are the dimensions of the work space I have so far.  Is this enough detail?
Workspace (dotted interior) relevant dimensions


  1. function? all the 3D stuff is mathematica, but the workspace is just drawn in word.

  2. whoaaa.... hahah this is so cool.

  3. BTW if u were confused by the pic, we still have only ONE arm... although 2 would be awesome.

  4. Belaye, is the largest outer radius 140cm? Is that L1+L2+d5?

    Right now I have L1 = L2 = 50cm and d5 = 60cm. What do you think we should do? 60 or 40 cm?

  5. yes the outer radius is L1+L2+d5 = 50+50+40 = 140 cm

    from the workspace model I concluded 40 cm for d5 is adequate to reach the liver even from oblique pitch and yaw angles close to 45degrees from the vertical.

    1. Awesome, I'll use 40 cm for d5 then. I'll contact you and Chris later tonight to touchbase of where we are at in terms of the report.

    2. One last thing, the base height is defined as 40 cm in section 3C. In the figure it sits at 30 cm, should I change the report in section 3C to fit the figure?

  6. no, the base height is simply the L0 height from the X0,Y0,Z0 coordinate system to the X1Y1Z1 coordinate system. the prismatic joint value d5 has a min value of 10 cm, which gives us the 40-10=30 cm of the inner portion of the workspace as shown in the diagram.

    1. Oh I understand what you are saying then. Got it.

      The reason why I asked was because I used the L0 to help justify our lengths for our links. If you could, take a peek at section 4a, the second paragraph and let me know what you think.
