Saturday, April 14, 2012

Work Space Model Almost Complete

I made some finishing touches on the mathematica workspace model.  These include:
  1. included human patient (with liver) (fig 1)
  2. made sure scale of patient and liver match scale used for link length and dimensions
  3. corrected end effector location Px, Py, Pz readout
  4. modified code so link length can be modified by changing one parameter value.
  5. included end effector orientation (theta_pith, theta_yaw) readout
Few things to note:
  1. Hoi, looking at the model in scale, i changed the first link length (L1) from 75 cm to 50 cm. Try changing the lenght in the mathematica file, tell me what u think. 
  2. Chris, may be u can take a look at the theta_pitch, theta_yaw part b/c I don't think they are correct even though I used the method u used in your inverse kinematics calc.  Pls take a look at the mathematicaa file titled "workspaceLATEST" Any thoughts?

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Fig 5


  1. I posted a complete motor sizing spreadsheet for 80cm. I'll try to get one up for 50cm by the end of tonight. Numerical values only affect the motor sizing stuff so this shouldn't be a big issue.

    Keep me posted if there are other link lengths you want me to consider. Great stuff man.

    1. For the first spreadsheet with L1 = 80 cm, I scaled up the point load force for the first link (L1) a little bit to account for generalizing all moments and forces before it as a simple force. I ran L1 = 50 cm and all the radius and thicknesses still hold. The motor sizing spreadsheets differ slightly, but all the important stuff (ie chosen motors and gearheads) are the same for both lengths.

    2. Hoi, FYI I just finished the section 3c write up. See the report folder "Section3C_workspace" also, I included the mathematica code as a pdf, to put in the appendix, also two figures.
